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Old Bridgeview Brewing

16 East Front Street | Washington, Missouri 63090


Thu 4pm - 9pm
Fri 4pm - 9pm
Sat 11am - 9pm
Sun 11am - 6pm


About Old Bridgeview Brewing

Old Bridgeview wants to be the first cooperative brewery in Missouri. A co-op brewery is an autonomous association of people who voluntarily cooperate for their mutual social, economic, and cultural benefit. In this case that mutual benefit is beer.

Expect to find a brown or IPA on tap regularly.  Based on the season, they will brew everything from English Browns to Blondes, Sours to Stouts and IPA’s.

Expect a stout for all seasons.  They may start with an Irish Stout, but will soon offer Oatmeal Stouts, Porters and big heavy Imperial Stouts.

A little bit about us and your experience.

We love this community and we love beer.  We want you to have the best experience possible! We adopted the “Beer Hall” Style that most microbreweries operate.  As you approach the bar to place your order, you will most likely be greeted by an owner.  We welcome any questions that you may have.  We want to help you find what you like and maybe even convince you to try something new.

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Old Bridgeview Brewing

16 East Front Street
Washington, Missouri 63090


Meet St. Louis Podcast: Episode 311: WellBeing Brewing

Meet St. Louis Podcast: Episode 311: WellBeing Brewing

When Jeff Stevens stopped drinking in the early 90s, there were very few options when he’d go out with friends to a bar. Finally, he decid

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There's Always Something Brewing

The Greater St. Louis Metro Area currently has over 75 breweries and even more to come. When planning a visit, please note that not every brewery offers tours or has a tasting room/restaurant, and hours of operation vary. For the most up-to-date information, visit individual brewery websites or call ahead.